Sunday, October 5, 2008


I actually wrote this a couple weeks ago.
Just figured that I'd post it up here.

Fabulous New York, New York.
The city that never sleeps.
The light pollution is amazing.
When I first got here, there would be an orange glow in the sky at night.
It was seriously that bad.
I think it was the humidity.

I love the stars in the night sky...
Even though I was usually more of an inside dweller, I loved to go out at night and sit on the driveway so that I could just look up into the night sky and look at the stars.
I loved nights when the moon was full and it lit up the Earth in just the right way;
I would dance in it.
I always had a fondness toward it.

Because, the moon goes through its cycles:
It starts as a small sliver, then grows,
Brighter and more beautiful each and every night
Until it reaches its peak, when it shines nice and bright and full.
Then it slowly dies
Into nothingness.
Just like everything that lives.

Just like me.

But it was the stars that comforted me.
They were the constant in the night sky, never changing.
Sure, they rotate.
But so slowly that you never really notice it.
They never did much to light up the Earth.
But that didn't matter, because they were always THERE.
The stars are the one constant in the night sky,
What I could always depend upon to find whenever
I needed to take a break and just look up.

But here in New York,
They are rare.

It started out like any other night;
Full of light and life,
And I was alone.
That's something that I've gotten used to being lately.
It wasn't cold, the air conditioner was broken.
It had actually burst into flames,
But that's another story for another day...

I'm not really sure exactly why I had looked out the window.
I suppose that I just needed to get a good look
At just one of my reasons that I felt the need
To leave my love behind, more than 3,000 miles away.

I looked around at all the buildings with their many lights.
I just love the architecture here in the city.
Skyscrapers and other such tall, bright buildings comfort me.
I'm not sure why.

So I looked up at the dark sky, expecting that to be all that I saw.

But then I saw them.
The lights in the sky.
Planes? was my initial thought.
And yes, there were two.
They slowly centimetered across the sky.
But the rest...
They were stationary.

Real live fusing gas ball
It was incredible.
I just could not believe my eyes.
I was in complete and utter awe.
It was insane.
I should not have been so surprised that
My beloved stars still existed even though I could not see them.

It wasn't until then that I realized how
Incomplete the sky was without them.

Can you believe it?!

Sure, there weren't that many;
But they were still THERE.

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