Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Decision '08

So just about two minutes ago, there was a knock on my door.

My suitemate brought me the mail.

I glanced at it. "How boring..." I thought.

A $3.00 rebate check from Staples...

Some thing about Study Abroad...

(My roommate got one, too)

So I put that on her desk.

TV Guide...

(Which I don't know why I'm getting it, since I don't even own a television set)

Some thing from the International Society of Poets or something like that.

(A poem that I wrote is being published in an anthology. Apparently I'm in the finals. I don't know why. I didn't even put that much effort into it. I just wrote down what I was thinking at the time. If writing what I think is what gets me awards, this should be an award-winning blog. Makes sense, don't ya think?)

And then I see something that made me literally jump up and down from the excitement...

It was for me.

It was from the Registrar of Voters in Riverside, CA.

Official Election Mail Authorized by the U.S. Postal Service

and right in the center of the front of the envelope, outlined in a black box, it read:


I got so excited, that I think my heart actually stopped beating for a second. I then proceeded to jump up and down and bounce around.

Seriously. It was enthralling.

It'll be very exciting to finally have my voice heard and my vote count for the very first time.

What's even better is that this was the year that I turned 18 and am finally able to vote. That's just awesome because I do believe that this is the most important election ever in the history of Our Great Nation.

I mean, we're in the middle of several foreign policy conflicts, the entire world economy is dwindling, and we're having a presidential race like none before...

No matter which party wins, it will definitely be a changed government once the president-elect is inaugurated in January.

I'm pretty confident that my party will win, because while our candidate may not be perfect, he is smart and has decent plans for the country. That and once you see who the opposition has chosen for vice, it's pretty to see that my guy and his VP are definitely the lesser of two evils.


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