Friday, August 15, 2008

The Joker? Yes.

I'd never been a fan of Heath's, so let me have you know that my attraction to the Joker has absolutely NOTHING to do with who was underneath the makeup (and the clothes).

I have always been fascinated by characters who were a little "off" and find a bit of insanity as a rather desirable trait since I do fancy myself as being someone who could easily be prone to sociopathic, um, tendencies. Or perhaps I'd be better classified as psychopathic.
I honestly feel like a ticking time bomb, and what does the display say after reaching 00:00:00?

So for such a vast amount of thoughts and beliefs that are just NOT the norm and ungoverned by any rules whatsoever...It gets me quite hot, it does.


Wow, I'm a nerd.

Anyway, yes. Portraying Harley Quinn would be dream role as I find the nature of her character so incredibly fascinating. I mean, the fact that she turned to a life of crime simply because she is so deathly in love with such a troubled man...That's hot. And the way that she'll get so mad at him when he hurts her yet is so automatically forgiving once he apologizes, I can totally see where she's coming from as I am in a similar situation. Haha. I would just love to be her.

Besides, she's short, like me, so that's a plus! 5'3", woot! Haha!

Guess who'll be having fun this Halloween?

Don't look at me like I'm...*crazy*...

WhY So sEri0us?

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