Sunday, October 19, 2008


So Ludo is going to have a live webchat tomorrow, and I've submitted the following questions:

"But just to be safe...

Just how much of a nerd would you say that you are?

Star Wars or Star Trek?

If you were to find Narnia in your wardrobe, would you visit often or just live there instead?

What is the question for the answer to life, the universe, and everything (42)?

Would you play a concert out in space with radio transmitters (since sound does not travel in outer space due to the lack of particles of matter of any kind to transmit such vibrations)?

Organ Repo Man: would you do it?

Serenade me on my birthday (May 12)?

Andrew, just why are you so awesome? Hehe.

Take pictures with me at the show tonight (Monday) ? =]

And to answer Shwoky's question, cuz I'm such a math nerd, the limit does not exist. =]
But if you separate it into "What is the limit as x approaches 4 from the left of (2x-1)/(x-4)?" and "What is the limit as x approaches 4 from the right of (2x-1)/(x-4)?" the answers are 7 and -7, respectively.

Please don't hurt me for cheating!

*shields self protectively*"

If you want to watch the webchat (which you totally should!) just log onto tomorrow at 2 PM EST.

You won't regret it, I promise!

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