Sunday, October 12, 2008

Living a Fairy Tale

As I was walking back to my dorm from Weinstein, just now, right as I cross Washington Square West, I realized: I'm living in a fairy tale.

Well, not exactly. There are no talking animals, elves, witches, fairy godmothers, or anything like that, at least not off Broadway.

What I mean is that living and going to school in Manhattan feels so surreal...
I have moved before, but the transition was never quite so grand, because I was still in Southern California and I still mainly saw the same people every day.

But this...

This is incredible.

I've done something that many people only dream about: I've dropped everything and left everyone I knew behind and moved to the other side of the country to the most cosmopolitan city in the world: Great New York, New York.

No friends, no family, no steady source of income, no boundaries, no restrictions, and no end to the great variety of possibilities and opportunities available to me here.

I can truly become who I want and what I want. Never before have I had so much freedom in life before.

It feels much more like a neverending vacation than a life-altering choice. I think it's the vacation aspect that keeps me from missing my home, friends, and family.

The only person I really miss is my boyfriend, sometimes more than others. At the worst, I miss him because I want to be with him and I really wish that he could be here; at the best, I barely miss him at all, although I still think about him, since I know that I'll have the rest of my life to spend with him, so a couple months doesn't seem so bad.

Today's our 11-month anniversary. It really sucks that we won't be able to celebrate our first anniversary together, but we'll be okay since we can still talk or text or chat and also because we both know that there'll be plenty of others to celebrate later on. ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well even though I moved away surely not as far away as you have. Still I think I get what you mean to live life on your own with no one telling you what to do. Well I still miss friends and family because hey they were people that I hung out with for years. Every once in a while I give someone a message, or sometimes I just visit their Myspace/Facebook, or anything to see what has happened how everyone is going through life, I've noticed some have offspring some have married others have moved and yet still others have no clue what to do and thats okay cause it's life. Even my own family has seemed to grow and spread around the country. Now I have new friends, and new experiences, sure I may struggle to get ends meet but I too have someone to keep me strong. To help me when I am in trouble. It's all part of this ride known as life it has its ups and its downs yet one thing is for sure the ride is an adventure in itself I'm glad that you are having fun even though I didn't know that you and Richie were still together I think thats cool. Well peace and take care. I bet you know who this is.