Sunday, August 1, 2010

UgLy BiTcHuLa... I CoNsIdEr You Get That PuSsy, Asshole, and MoUth ChEcKed ASAP... Yo PoOr BrOKe MoVal asS ShOuLDn'T HaVe a PrObLeM FiNdIng A ClIniC CuZ ALL ThOsE LooSe AsS BiTcHeS LiKe ThAt HoOdRat BiTcHeS ThAt GeT KiLLed In Yo GhEtTo AsS CiTy... -LoCa

Wow. If you are referring to whom I believe you are referring, then there really are no depths to which you will not sink. I've only been responding to your questions because they are incredibly amusing, but this is just sad now. You need to stop making up false personas to attempt to insult me. I'd say you were the lowest online presence I know of, but there's always the asshole of the internet to take into consideration. Acting hard on the Internet and using it to fling insults is one of the most cowardly things you could ever do, seeing as you are behind a screen and no one even knows (or cares) who you are. If anything, you've accomplished the opposite of your intended goal, because at least I know that I am more than you will ever amount to. I will no longer take the time to respond to your ignorant ass, so don't even bother coming back. Or do; it'll be funny, because then I'll know that you can't live without me. <3

Hit me with your best shot.

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