Friday, August 15, 2008

The Joker? Yes.

I'd never been a fan of Heath's, so let me have you know that my attraction to the Joker has absolutely NOTHING to do with who was underneath the makeup (and the clothes).

I have always been fascinated by characters who were a little "off" and find a bit of insanity as a rather desirable trait since I do fancy myself as being someone who could easily be prone to sociopathic, um, tendencies. Or perhaps I'd be better classified as psychopathic.
I honestly feel like a ticking time bomb, and what does the display say after reaching 00:00:00?

So for such a vast amount of thoughts and beliefs that are just NOT the norm and ungoverned by any rules whatsoever...It gets me quite hot, it does.


Wow, I'm a nerd.

Anyway, yes. Portraying Harley Quinn would be dream role as I find the nature of her character so incredibly fascinating. I mean, the fact that she turned to a life of crime simply because she is so deathly in love with such a troubled man...That's hot. And the way that she'll get so mad at him when he hurts her yet is so automatically forgiving once he apologizes, I can totally see where she's coming from as I am in a similar situation. Haha. I would just love to be her.

Besides, she's short, like me, so that's a plus! 5'3", woot! Haha!

Guess who'll be having fun this Halloween?

Don't look at me like I'm...*crazy*...

WhY So sEri0us?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Who is this Michael Phelps fellow?

With all the publicity he's receiving due to his recent success in Beijing as well as his history in Athens, I'd be extremely surprised, nay, shocked to hear of anyone who didn't know the answer to the above question. He is the object of the affection of many a fangirl and graces the pages of many popular magazines. Yes, I must say that I was a part of that panting, drooling, swooning mob of teenage girls when our great Team USA was competing in Athens. Now I've gotten four more years of life experience, have grown a lot, am still only five years younger (and a foot shorter) than Mr. Phelps, and am now legal. So Mr. Phelps can go ahead and give me a call if he would like ;) but I must say that it could never develop into anything too intimate due to the fact that I've already found my love. (Squishy!<3)

Anyway, to answer the question for which this blog has been named:

Other than the most winningest athlete in the history of EVER, he is an eating machine.

He consumes a daily caloric intake of 12,000 calories! I barely eat ten percent of that. Just what does he eat to get all that energy? Here's a list of what he typically eats in just one day:

Breakfast: Three fried-egg sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and mayonnaise. Two cups of coffee. One five-egg omelet. One bowl of grits. Three slices of French toast topped with powdered sugar. Three chocolate-chip pancakes.

Lunch: One pound of enriched pasta. Two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo on white bread. Energy drinks packing 1,000 calories.

Dinner: One pound of pasta. An entire pizza. More energy drinks.

One of his meals alone would be enough to sustain me for two days. Except the energy drinks. I don't do those.

Also, is it just me, or does a bit of facial hair add a good degree of sexiness to a man? I mean, just look at the difference:

I found this to be the case, as well, with Robert Downey Jr.:

Cuz honestly, the man has a goofy-looking face, but the hair covers it up nicely.